What we need from you to get started on your website!
Domain Name
Do you already have a website or own a domain name? That’s okay, we are able to use your current domain name (if you have control), or we can purchase you a new one! We will help you select your domain name. We do recommend that the domain name is no longer then 10 to 15 characters. It should be short and easy to spell for search results.
You will have to provide us content for us to begin your website design. This is a very large part of the design process. It will also help with your SEO. Below, we have included a blueprint to help you start constructing your content. (This will need to be sent to [email protected] your personal designer)
By providing us pictures of your products and services this will drive your potential customers to your business.
Social Media Links
If you has social media pages, it is great to include these on your site so customers are able to follow your business online!

Content Blue Print
Let’s talk about content for your new website. Now no one knows your business quite like you, right? That is why we look to you to supply what you want your website to say. This includes verbiage, pictures, etc. The following will give you an idea of what we need to personalize your new website:
- Home: This is your opportunity to provide a summary of who you are and what you offer. You must make your home page content interesting and engaging, because it needs to grab your visitors’ attention in the first few seconds they are on the page.
What to include: a brief explanation of who you are and what you do, a short description or bulleted list of your products and services, and maybe a brief explanation on how your products and services will benefit the visitor.
- About:This is your opportunity to provide an overview of the history of your business and educate your visitor about how you are different from your competitors.
What to include: an overview about the business including the history of the business, information about the business officers, if you’re a single employer a bio and photo, any awards or special recognition you have received, and your unique points of differentiation.
- Services: This is your opportunity to provide information about all of the services you offer. Start the page with a brief overview or summary of your services and then list them below. If you have a large number of services or a lot of information about each service, you may want to think about separating them into categories and including a link to a landing page to learn more about an individual service.
What to include: a summary of services offered, a list of services with brief descriptions, links to learn more about specific services (optional), the benefits the visitor will receive from the service, and how your services are different from the competitors’ services.
- Products: This is your opportunity to provide information about all of the products you offer. Start the page with a brief overview or summary of your products and then list them below. If you have a large number of products or a lot of information about each product, you may want to think about separating them into categories and including a link to a landing page to learn more about an individual product.
What to include: a summary of products offered, a list of products with brief descriptions, links to learn more about specific products (optional), the benefits the visitor will receive from the products, the product features, and how your products are different from the competitors’ products.
- FAQ (frequently asked questions): This is your opportunity to answer questions that your customers ask you over and over again, with the idea that the FAQ on the website will serve your visitors better and cut down on the questions you receive. Always pose the questions in a positive fashion and, while you must always answer the questions honestly, you also want to make sure you keep them interested. Your answers should help persuade the visitor to take the next step in purchasing your product.
What to include: questions you are asked repeatedly, questions that always come up when speaking with customers, questions that address (and solve) possible objections your customers have, questions that can help remove any barriers or perceptions customers may have.
- Testimonials: This is your opportunity to show your visitors that you are awesome. Testimonials, especially ones that also include a photo and contact info or web address help enhance your credibility, trustworthiness, and your dependability. Testimonials show your customers that other people have bought your product and had success and it encourages them to do the same.
What to include: a short sentence or two about the page or an introduction, testimonials with photos and contact info or web addresses, headlines for each testimonial. See how I display my testimonials.
- Contact: This is your opportunity to provide your site visitors all of the different ways they can get in touch with you. This page is in no way optional.
What to include: mailing address, phone number, fax number, email address, social media profile web addresses such as your facebook, twitter, and any other social media site. Directions if you have a bricks and mortar location, hours of operation, and the best way to reach you. I also recommend a contact form the visitor can fill out to reach you.
Keep in mind, EMS does not write content. What you give us is what we will put on the site.
*Quick response forms are online form that can be filled out by the viewer. Once filled out, their information (name, address, e-mail, etc.) will be e-mailed directly to you.